SMR (Structural Material for Reinstatement) has proven repeatedly that it can be used to encapsulate contaminants in contaminated spoil. This enables the client to re-use the existing contaminated spoil on-site by reducing the leachability of the contaminants in the spoil to safe levels. The contaminated spoil can then be used as a structural material that will actually outperform traditional backfill materials. With the small number of nonhazardous landfill sites remaining and even fewer hazardous landfills available, the SMR solution cuts out huge transport distances and even larger disposal costs. As an example, SMR has been used on the following contaminants and constantly proved successful in encapsulating these contaminants: Heavy metals PAH TPH Asbestos Diesel Use of SMR on remediation projects has resulted in massive savings being achieved compared to other methods.

SMR is a Cementitious binder that when mixed with excavated utility spoil, utilises the free moisture present to start a reaction which results in a high quality, structural re-instatement material being created.

To achieve this SMR has three properties:

  1. Dries out and stablises excess moisture for optimum compaction
  2. Bonds soild particles increasining it’s density
  3. Strengthens soil by as much as 600%

With the addition of SMR into the recycling process it is possible to fully recover all the spoil into a superior recycled backfill material that is fully compliant with eh WRAP Quality Protocol compared to using traditional primary aggregates.

With Richardson Recycling our Mobile Batching Unit is a portable recycling unit providing an on-site recycling solution, covering the whole of East Anglia.

It travels from depot or depot or site to site and recycles excavated utility waste back into Batch Mixed C1.5/2 NFSMR. The mobile plant is self-loading and will grade, screen and crush the excavated utility spoil, as well as mixing the SMR proprietary binder into the now graded material that results in a high performing, recycled, compliant product. A batch print out will also be supplied to the customer that will state the amount of material treated and the percentage of SMR binder added.

Benefits of achieving this solution:

  1. Reduced carbon footprint
  2. Reduction of lorry movements
  3. Reduction of landfill
  4. Reduction of use of Quarried aggregates
  5. C1.5/2 NFSMR produced under a fully compiantWRAP Quality Protocol.

Removing the traditional time consuming methods, Richardson Recycling can off three options:

Option 1 On-Site Recycling

If the customer has a large earthworks scheme, the mobile batching unit can travel to site and literally recycle the spoil as it is coming out of the ground into a compliant product. This means that there is no dependence on grab lorries to bring in and take out material, therefore making the whole project more time efficient and environmentally friendly – nothing to landfill!. Not to mention a huge reduction in the carbon footprint of the project.

Option 2 Yard to Yard Recycling

Richardson Recycling can go to their customers own yards and recycle the utility waste that has been brought back there by the grabs, instead of going to landfill, and produce a high performance C1.5/2 NFSMR. The bonus is that the grabs do not have to travel to a quarry to pick up product, not travel to a landfill site to tip off it’s wast: it can be all done at one central location which is their own yard.

Option 3 Static Recycling

This is where the mobile unit parks up in its own yard and recycles the entire incoming waste stream into a great, compliant product. Richardson’s customers now only have to come to one site to tip-off their waste and pick-up a product… a one-stop-shop. This means reduced traveling time for the grabs making the whole process become more time efficient and reduces pollution.

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